5 Ways To Keep Your Fall Decor Chic and Tasteful

Fall is officially here and if you’re anything like our family, you can hardly wait to fill up the trunk of your car with pumpkins and squash to deck out your home. There’s no wrong way to celebrate this time of the year, but if you’re looking for a fresh and modern take on Fall decor, we thought we’d share some of our favorite ideas here! 


1. Expand Your Color Palette

When most of us think of Fall, we think… orange.  Orange tones in the home can be rich and beautiful, but too much of it can start to look a little matchy-matchy and lose that cozy, luxe feel you may want to create in your home.  Working in plum tones, navy, and blacks can really give your decor a unique and lively feel - In fact, adding in these colors will make it easier for you to transition your decor into the Christmas season!

2. Get Yourself A Few New Throw Blankets

We don’t all have the budget to go out and replace our furniture, our rugs, or our dishes every season.  However, a throw blanket from Home Goods, TJ Maxx, or even a thrift store (All it needs is a good wash!) can make a lovely impact in your space without breaking the bank.  The right faux fur throw can instantly elevate your room’s design and a classic plaid will never go out of style!


3. Display Natural Elements

Think literally about Fall! In the season of Autumn, things are falling off trees, the weather cools down, and the color around us begins to fade.  Bring in some of those outdoor elements in creative ways - Organize pinecones in a glass vase on your mantle, bring in some firewood and display it in a gorgeous basket, or have you kids find you some beautiful dry leaves to display in a frame.  The possibilities here are endless. 

4.  Get Your Carpets Cleaned! 

This might be an unexpected tip, but when Fall hits, many of us start spending more time inside - Our kids will be all over the floor working on homework, watching movies, and playing with toys.  Starting the season off with fresh carpet or rugs will make your space feel a whole lot cleaner! 

5. Bring In White!

So much of Fall decor is rustic, colorful, and textured!  With all of that pattern and color, your design may become muddled and messy.  Bringing in a white throw pillow, bedspread, or even white pumpkins will keep things chic and modern!  Plus, white is timeless, so you can work it into your decor all season long!

We hope this gave you some inspiration to lean into this season with joy and creativity! And as always, if your home needs a more permanent refresh of flooring, give us a call or request a free quote from our website anytime!