Increasing The Value Of Your Home

Will Flooring Increase The Value of Your Home?

Sure, we all want to update our homes, but for many of us, a serious cost needs to prove a solid investment for us in the long term. Based on a recent survey done by the National Association of Realtors Research group, we've narrowed down the strongest investments homeowners can make in terms of home improvement!

1. Kitchens, Kitchens, Kitchens
It's no secret that the heart of a home is the kitchen! So for buyers envisioning making their own family memories in a new home, the kitchen can easily be the make-it or break-it feature. Gorgeous marble, timeless stone, or a vibrant backsplash can turn an average kitchen into a major selling point!. In the NARR's 2019 survey,they found kitchen upgrade and complete kitchen renovation to be the top two strongest investments in overall home value! Homeowners should feel confident that even a few modern kitchen upgrades will add immense impact and value to their space!

2. Hardwood Flooring
Hardwood flooring isn't for everyone. For one thing, it's not always a budget-friendly option, and two, wood requires maintenance that many busy families aren't prepared to commit to. BUT, hardwood flooring adds timeless and beautiful character bringing instant luxury to any space. It will last through countless eras and design trends and though it may show wear & tear, buyers will look past that in ways they won't for other flooring types. Choosing the right wood for your floors could be the difference between a strong housing offer or a weak one in the future! New wood flooring ranked as the number four most popular project to attract potential buyers in the 2019 study by NARR.

Other honorable mentions from the study go to bathroom renovations and hardwood re-finishing! We hope that these findings might help on-the-fence homeowners decide if their updates are worth the cost in 2021! Specializing in hard surfaces and offering unbeatable value, Flooring Direct Temecula would love to partner with you in adding value to your home!

As always, please stop by our showroom or give us a call anytime if you'd like our help enhancing your space!


2021 Design Trends


5 Flooring Trends in 2021

Every year, our team makes our predictions for trends we'll see with flooring in the coming year! In 2020, we all spent much more time in our homes, which has naturally brought about fresh ideas and newfound creative muscles for homeowners to flex! Here are five trends we think you'll see in flooring design next year!

1. Natural Materials and Craftsmanship
Perhaps we can thank the pandemic for this design movement: We all want sturdy homes now, filled with materials that call to the beauty of the natural world! After spending much more time in our houses in 2020, we all want spaces that inspire us and give us room to breath. Thats where rich woods, strong stone, and earthy terra-cotta come in. We're going to see more homeowners willing to pay the extra price tag for these natural materials that provide character, texture, and depth to their home's design. We'll see this trend in backsplashes, floors, and beams especially!

2. New Takes on Subway Tile
The obsession with subway tile has been dwindling for the past year or two, but for folks who still love the simplicity and dimension it can add to a space, we have plenty of alternatives that won't seem outdated! Zellige tiles, also known as Moroccan tiles, are going to pop up everywhere! These gorgeous tiles are actually made of clay and are often handmade and hand-glazed, giving spaces artful design and body. Homeowners should know coming in though, that true Zellige tiles aren't uniform. No two tiles are exactly alike, which is going to lend to mismatched edges and a highly textured affect. If you're looking for the something easier to clean with more uniformity, we suggest going with a ceramic tile that's similar in finish to the Moroccan tiles, but less expensive!

3. A Return To Rich Tones and Warmth
The last few years, many of us wanted our floors to be as airy and minimal as possible. This year we are going to see more bold choices with wood, laminate, and vinyl. We're welcoming back the rich golds and browns of hardwood, and our floors are going to be the stars of our homes instead of background characters. Longer planks are here to stay, but we might see wide planks make a comeback as well!

4. Sustainable and Eco-friendly Carpets
With a growing concern for the environment and overall health, homeowners who love the feel of carpet may opt for sustainable options this year! Carpets made of recycled materials will become more and more popular, as they're giving a second life to previously used materials. We'll also see more manufacturers carrying carpets made of natural materials like wool, jute, and sisal. While many of these options may come with a higher price tag, homeowners will be pleasantly surprised to see that some non-toxic, sustainable carpet products can still be quite affordable!

5. Nostalgia & Eclectic Design
Perhaps the stressful events of 2020 are responsible for our reclaimed desire for these old and homey design elements! Elements we once disliked in our parents' or grandparents' homes , we are now welcoming into our spaces in small ways. Installing retro tiles into our bathrooms, going with a colored carpet in the office like our grandfather had, or choosing reclaimed wood from decades past are just some ways homeowners are infusing nostalgia into their homes. For folks who still love the look of shiny new floors, they may implement this design trend in their decor instead - pairing antiques with their newer design elements or moving away from mass-produced modern artwork and bringing in family heirlooms and older fine art!

We hope that these predictions sparked some inspiration for those of you looking to make some changes to your home in the new year! Please remember that the team at our Temecula showroom is here to help you generate ideas, create solutions, and work with any budget you may have! We'd love to assist you in creating the home of your dreams this year, starting with your floors!

As always, please stop by our showroom or give us a call anytime if you'd like our help enhancing your space!


Failed Quarantine Projects


A few weeks ago, we heard an interesting report about the goings-on in folks' homes during Covid Quarantine.  It turns out that many families have been trying their hands at DIY home-renovations and repairs during lock down. Now, this didn't come as a complete shock, as many of our recent customers seem to have caught the "home-renovation bug" during shelter-in-place orders. What surprised us, were the RESULTS of a recent survey done about these DIY projects. It read,

"Unfortunately, 7 out of 10 people said that these [diy] projects didn’t turn out the way they imagined..." and "One in 10, unfortunately, admitted that the finished project actually looked worse than before the work was started."  
That is a huge majority of disappointed folks and for that, we couldn't help but feel frustrated on their behalfs. Here are the Top 3 things that went wrong with those projects, according to the poll:
1. Incorrect Assembly - Mistakes made in the installation or building process
2. Incorrect pieces or parts purchased - An underestimation of necessary supplies or mistakes made in purchasing.
3. Injuries suffered as a result of the project - Likely due to inexperience using equipment or improper safety materials (Ouch!!)

We noticed that kitchen counter top updates were on the list of these failed projects, which is definitely something our team is equipped to help with. Whether you've already tried your hand at a DIY project and hand set-backs, or have always been interested in professional help, we can assist you on just about any budget!  
Some of our customers are still working from home, while others have returned to their normal workplaces. Whatever the case, we strive to save our customers money, stress and frustration with our services. Our installers strive to get in and out of your home quickly while delivering exactly the design changes you ordered!  If you're looking to upgrade any of the hard-surfaces in your home, give us a call or head to our website for a free quote! In the mean time, keep enjoying your favorite HGTV shows to spark your creativity and we'll be doing the same! 

              In case you were wondering, Home Town is our family's Favorite HGTV show right now!!

The Difference


We are collecting stories about how our customers and fellow small business owners have been behaving these last few weeks and we don't mean the stories that involve toilet paper wars. We're talking about quite the extreme opposite behavior so we hope the following examples will inspire you and make you proud of the community you live in.

A few weekends ago, when the Temecula Farmer's market closed, some of our local farms alerted their customers via social media that folks could come to their home to purchase their weekly produce. What followed was a domino effect of "friends" sharing the original post and getting the word out so that people came in droves, and bought produce not just for their own families, but extra to take to others who might be in need. Thankfully, the Temecula Farmer's Market did open back up again after that weekend.


We've heard about so many other similar shopping sprees for others.  If we had a buck for every time we've read in an email or text thread this past week, "let me know if you are in need of a specific item and I'll try to find it for you..." we'd have a nice wad of cash.

It has also been great to hear about how some people are still finding ways to be resourceful right now, as challenging as that may be. While one of you just spent hours at the laundromat washing sheets, bedding, towels, etc., another person we know had a carpet cleaning service over to clean her carpets, and have all of her furniture steam cleaned. I've noticed lots of cars being washed at the Car wash next door to our store as well. What a great way to sterilize every inch of our environments while keeping these small businesses going.  We believe it IS possible to do these things while simultaneously observing the crucial social distancing ordinance so we LOVE hearing about those of you doing just that!

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Kudos to those of you who are keeping the Pest Control guy scheduled even if that means only having him spray outside for the time being, and those of you who still have your gardening services going. We've also heard about the generous tips some of you beautiful souls have been giving for your take-out and food delivery services.                             

As I write this, I think of my own mom who would've been at a loss last week with her heater on the fritz in the midst of an extended period of cold rainy days had the heating company not responded so quickly to her request for an in-home consultation on the same day the Governor's Stay At Home ordinance went out. The Heating & Air company didn't just show up but they did everything in their power to help my mom and NOT gauge her in the repair of her furnace.  


And while we are extremely passionate about small business and our economy, it would be remiss of us to fail to mention all the work that's happening among our non-profit organizations and churches.  I'm talking about you, 12-Step sponsor who's still making time in this insanity, to call your sponsees to help those dealing with anxiety, loneliness and isolation right now. I'm talking about our clergy who are suddenly having to find ways to provide online services and minister to their flock at a distance, all with a skelton staff since tithes and offerings have dwindled as a result of so many losing their jobs; and the Vets programs who have their work cut out for them serving those with on-going issues of PTSD and now unemployment as well.

Are these real life people we know, making a real life difference in these difficult, even scary times? How could they NOT be?  We are well aware that just these few examples mentioned are a mere drop in the bucket compared to the magnitude of what's happening around us. When I think about all of our first responders, our miltary, the folks in the medical/healthcare industry and those in education, (including you wonderful parents at home with kiddos just trying to navigate through home schooling), it's honestly overwhelming to think of all your sacrifice and selflessness. Thank you for the example you are setting for ALL of us, for making us want to be better, work harder and give more of ourselves. Thank you for making us want to serve one another so fervently and for making us want to fight as you are, for all that is right and good!  May all of you be filled with strength, good health, safety, provision for ALL of your needs, and may you be filled with peace!

Reflections During This Pandemic


If you're expecting an email that either consists of a list of reasons you should STILL proceed with your flooring purchase even during this pandemic, OR a list of all the actions Flooring Direct Temecula is taking to stay safe and germ free, you are mistaken. We had some different thoughts that we'd like to share with you which have been on our hearts the last few weeks. 


Like any seasoned adults, we've had our fair share of unexpected trials over the years.  Whether it was as commonplace as an unexpected blizzard when we lived in Colorado, or as serious as a crumbling economy in 2008,  there were always a few common threads that got us through seasons of uncertainty - our faith, our family, and the radical decision to choose gratitude during hard times.

No matter what was at stake at a given time, one of the first lines of our prayers was always something to the effect of, "Thank you for the roof over our head." There was something about those moments of stress and fear that brought our hearts back to the basics, and one of the most precious gifts we always remembered was the gift of our home. As many of us begin to spend more time inside with our families, crack out those dusty board games, and snuggle up for a few extra family movie nights, we hope a similar sentiment is felt among the families in our community.  The next few months may bring some anxiety, some chaos, and a bit of "cabin fever", but perhaps also a renewed sense of gratitude for the place that shelters our dearest loved ones. Flooring Direct Temecula will keep everyone updated as things develop and change for our business, but we urge our SoCal community to comply with all state and county precautions.  If during this time, you decide you'd like to make some changes to your home in the next few weeks or even 6 months from now, please reach out to talk with our team! 

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We LOVE Temecula, we love our community and we love the beautiful families represented here. We are filled with hope and faith knowing that good WILL come of this difficult season and hopefully bring us on the other side of it, even stronger as a community than before it all began! Our Prayers and Blessings go out to all of you!

For more flooring and home related content, follow Flooring Direct Temecula's blog,  Instagram, and Facebook!

5 Flooring Trends in 2020

2020 is here, and this is the time of the year when so many of us are ready for new beginnings in our personal lives and in the lives of our homes!  Every new year, Flooring Direct Temecula takes to our blog to give our predictions for the next year's flooring trends.  Our hope is that some of these trends might spark fresh ideas for your home in 2020 and beyond! Here are 5 flooring trends to look out for this year.

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1. Color, Color, Color... did we mention color?

This is the year to think of color as the new neutral! Combine color with both black or white - with silver or gold - with warm or cool tones.  Mix, match, and have fun! Bathrooms are the best place to try out this trend because tile is limitless when it comes to design! But remember, NOT ALL COLORS ARE CREATED EQUAL here.  We suggest going with coastal tones this year, or muted jewel tones - We predict this color pallet will be on trend for years to come!

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2. Low-Pile Carpet Is Here To Stay!

If you've been following Flooring Direct Temecula for the last year or so, this is not the first time you've heard us mention low-pile carpet! Plush carpet has its benefits - namely coziness and comfort, but for our more modern-minded clients, they're looking for something soft yet sleek and bright.  Choosing a nicely toned (or even uniquely patterned) low-pile carpet is the way to have your cake and eat it too! We especially love this trend in bedrooms and staircases because it transitions seamlessly with any hard surface you may decide to use in the rest of your home.

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3. Brick-Floored Mudrooms!

This is one of those trends you'll probably love or hate! Believe it or not, brick is having a major moment in the world of flooring. Mudrooms have been a trend in and of themselves for the last 6 or 7 years now, but brick flooring may be the way to escort yours into 2020.  The benefits of brick flooring are of course durability, design and its ability to camouflage dirt! We've also seen folks using this in their entry ways for a rustic statement right as guests walk in! 

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4. Black and White (But Mostly Black) 

Black was pushed aside after it's over-use in the 90's modern movement. But with the influx of "white everything" over the last decade, we're ready for some contrast and depth in our home designs.  The difference between the black we saw twenty years ago, and today's use of black is all about texture.  Weathered black wood, slate, and black stone are the ways we recommend incorporating black into elements of your flooring.  Whether you go with a black tiled backsplash or shower, or weathered black wood on a porch or mudroom, find small ways you might incorporate this bold trend in 2020!

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5. Reclaimed Hardwood (Or Imitation Laminate)

Reclaimed hardwood has been on trend the last few years, but because true reclaimed wood is by nature, one-of-a-kind, we predict that it'll be a popular design choice for years to come!  Finding enough of the reclaimed hardwood that you love is tricky, because this wood isn't simply made on demand - it's recycled from different sources, and they only have so much of it!  Its rarity is what makes it such a coveted element and an expensive one! For our customers that love the look of reclaimed wood, but don't like the price tag, we recommend high quality laminate with a similar design.  Plus, the laminate we recommend is nearly unbeatable when it comes to durability and lasting power! 

If we've missed any trends, or if you'd like to share your thoughts on the ones we've mentioned, let us know in the comments.  For more design tips this year, follow Flooring Direct Temecula's blog,  Instagram, and Facebook! 

By: Dawnielle Carr

A Mother's Christmas Time Machine


I have no one to blame but myself!  As I started making dinner just now on this early December evening, I decided to listen to the Charlie Brown Christmas Soundtrack and within minutes, I was no longer in Temecula. 

My mind wandered to the Charlie Brown Christmas TV special that I watched as a child and watched again and again with my own children every December. Before I knew it, I had a lump in my throat so tight. I decided that there must be a way to bottle and sell that time in a mother's life when her young children have just come home from school, exhausted from the day, and ready to watch some Charlie Brown special or Lizzy McGuire show on TV. I think only moms of older kids may truly understand what I'm talking about when I describe the comfort of your kids being home during those rare in-between moments, not quite ready to do homework yet, but not needing to dash off for whatever practice or event they'll have later. How do I bottle that feeling?

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I really was not that much of a home body when my kids were young.  On the contrary, when my kids weren't in school full time, and I was home with them all day, I couldn't wait for hubby to get home so we could finally get out of the house together!  And as my kids grew older, like most soccer moms, it seemed we were always running from one activity to the next.  Yet, when there were windows of rest during those in between portions of the day, how I LOVED being home with my family.  As these thoughts raced through my mind with that beautiful Vince Guaraldi accompaniment in the background, I realized why I loved it so much.  Homewas my gift to them.  And I can tell you that I did NOT savor these seasons as much as I should have. However, I do remember that adrenaline rush I had most days as I either rushed home from my part time job to pick up kids from school, or on days I could be home, as I finished housework or laundry and made sure something sweet or savory smelling would be ready when they walked through the door.  This was my gift to my children. 

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With the Holidays, especially Christmas, there was always extra work to do around the house. So. much. work. Yet, it was so worth it to know that my kids could enjoy being in a clean, beautifully decorated home during their winter breaks, even though, being home all day, they would inevitably drive me crazy after a short while!  

I know, it would be impossible for all of that to be bottled! However, I hope that those of you in that precious and short season with your children at home, can savor your holidays together in your home this year. One day, when your kids are grown, you might hear the theme song to their old favorite show play in your head, and you might find yourself wishing for a time machine... just for a few precious hours. 

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Call Flooring Direct Temecula if you need a little help with a project around your house! Even if it's over a winter break from school, we'll do our best to get in and out as fast as we can so you can relish your time together this Holiday Season! Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for samples of our work, and plenty of informative flooring-related content!

Written by Michelle Norris, a part of our Flooring Direct Temecula team.

Flooring Direct Temecula's Tips For Hosting An Unforgettable Thanksgiving 

It's early October and some of us are already excited for one of our favorite holidays; Thanksgiving! We love this holiday because it involves food, family and gratitude! However, if you're the one that will be doing the hosting this year, we know that the holiday can stir up some anxiety too.  So we've compiled a list of some tips to encourage and excite you; and maybe even take away some of the stress that might be setting in this October!


1. Settle On Travel Plans Soon!

 NOW is the time that family should be booking flights or setting time aside from work if they will travel over the long Thanksgiving week. So, have those conversations with loved ones as soon as possible so that you can plan your calendar, decide how many meals will need to be coordinated, and see whether you might need to take some days off of work yourself!


2. Start Tackling House Projects Now!

Most of us have cleaning and organizing projects that we want to tackle before company arrives. Perhaps we need to clean out a guest room, re-paint a bathroom, or finish some minor repairs in the home.  Either way, giving yourself at least a month to complete some of these larger projects will save you from a pile-up of tasks and stress in November. 


3. Simplify A Few Meals!

When visitors will be in your home for days in a row, food is a huge topic of consideration. With all of the planning and work involved in Thanksgiving dinner, give yourself a break and simplify meal plans for the days surrounding Thanksgiving!  Our extended family likes to take turns preparing breakfast when we're all in the same house.  You could also consider having a pizza night, or you could schedule to eat out for a meal at least once!  Whatever you choose, don't be afraid to ask your family members for help! Together, the pressure of constant food preparation can be alleviated so there's more time to enjoy the quality time under one roof! 


4. Consider Easy Welcome Gifts!

Make a fun "Welcome Basket" for the kiddos (or adults!) coming over!  For kids, I love ordering festive Oriental Trading crafts in advance, to give the kids something to do immediately upon arrival. The Dollar store is a great place to find craft items and goodies for children too!  For adults, (especially those who live out of state) we love buying inexpensive gift cards to In&Out Burger or our local coffee shops so guests can explore nearby! Welcome gifts are not about lavish gifts, but small tokens to make your guests feel loved!

5. Delegate Thanksgiving Dinner Responsibilities!

This may be our most important tip: Take your loved ones up on their offers to contribute to Thanksgiving dinner!  Even for those traveling a long distance,  you can delegate drinks, store-bought items, or simple side dishes like salads and simple veggie sides!


6. Plan Yourself A Break To Regroup!

Another important tip for the leader of hospitality in your home: Plan one family outing for everyone but the host during the weekend.  Because our space can get messy FAST with a house full of people inside, we always plan an afternoon when one of us can stay behind to pick up, re-group, and maybe get a load of laundry done!  You'd be surprised how valuable and rejuvenating just a few hours can be for the homeowner! 

If you're hosting Thanksgiving this year, we hope you are able to let go of the pressure of perfectionism, and embrace the chance to love on family members in a way that brings you joy and gratitude.  Flooring Direct Temecula wishes you a happy Fall and an even happier Thanksgiving! 

"The greatest moments in life are not concerned with selfish achievements but rather with the things we do for the people we love and esteem." - Walt Disney


For quick flooring, at unbeatably low prices, contact Flooring Direct Temecula  and follow our blog for more design and life inspo!



Today we would like to call your attention to something that has nothing to do with Flooring Direct Temecula; but everything to do with community, empathy and generosity.

Our wonderful neighbors, "Uptown Auto Spa" have taken the initiative to host a fundraiser next weekend (6/29 & 6/30) for the victims of the horrific June 4th auto accident in our area.  We would like to invite you to be a part of it and applaud Uptown Auto Spa for coming up with the idea just hours after the car accident took place.
Through social media posts, Uptown Auto Spa spotlighted just one of the injured victims, Mike Rivera. He is a father of 5 children who was on his way to his construction job that morning when his life was changed forever. Uptown Auto Spa shared that Mr. Rivera is now dealing with facial fractures, broken ribs, a fractured spine and a shattered leg - a huge devastation for a man who earns his living in the construction industry.  Our hearts go out to all victims, and especially to the loved ones of Janet Genao, who lost her life. This will be a great way for the local community to show support!

Thank you in advance for joining Uptown Auto Spa next weekend, by simply going to have your car washed on one of those days!! We also thank you for continuing to keep these folks in your thoughts and prayers.

Moving 6 Times in 4 Years

"Does everyone hate moving as much as I do?"

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I've asked myself this question during each of my family's six moves in the last four years. I could go into exorbitant detail about why my husband and I have had to move so often, but in a nut shell - new jobs, bad rental properties, and graduate school. 

When it comes to moving, the work-load itself merits hundreds of complaints and groans, but the emotional toll that comes from being uprooted is perhaps my biggest struggle. See, an average year is full of unanticipated crisis after crisis. There are plenty of work troubles, relational difficulties, and financial strains to go around. But in the midst of these small disasters, the family home can act as a grounding grace. Despite the day's disappointments, one can depend on the consistent predictability of their house - their couch, their slippers, their favorite mug filled with their favorite herbal tea. Every time that we've had to move, I've felt like I was being asked to give away the grace of consistency, and muster up hope that I'd find it again... even though in the back of my head,I suspected I'd be asked to give it up once more next year. 

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I've learned to pack quickly, to find creative ways to store & hide boxes, and to shop less. When you're used to quantifying your belongings in terms of boxes, you see everything as another potential box to carry. 

But despite the anxiety and fatigue of frequent moves, I've actually grown to value the design of our spaces more than ever.  The way I see it, if I'm only going to get to stay put for 9-12 months, then I'm going to enjoy it.  I give myself 1-2 months to pour all of my energy into decorating, and after the cut off, I don't invest anymore time purchasing decor or making major changes. I want the consistency and sameness for as long as I can have it, because I know how much I'll be missing it when we start the grueling packing process later on.  And as much as I hate admitting it, I get better at designing our home every time we move. 

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My husband will be in graduate school in New York City for another 4 years, so there are likely, more moves in our future. But I wonder if,1 God-willing, we are able to own a home one day, if I'll appreciate the predictability of a space as much as I imagine.  I wonder how long I'll enjoy the sameness before craving a change, a re-set, or a new beginning. Does everyone need a change every couple years? 

Whatever the case, I cannot lie. I hope I'll come to a point where I don't have to hoard boxes in every crevice of my home, and resist the urge to buy Christmas decor.  In the mean time, I'm committed to creating a beautiful home for my family, no matter how soon that beauty will have to be uprooted and replanted in a new space. Whether you're staying put for the next decade, or for a few years, 

Flooring Direct Temecula specializes in fast & quality flooring installation. Give us a call. (951) 777-6821